I'm committed to Ten! Are You?

Praise the Lord!

I am so excited that the snow is slowly melting away. Now it's time for those winter pounds to melt away with it ! LOL ! At church we have really been talking about putting together a team so that we can encourage each other as we work towards our weightloss goals. So join the team! Whether you have a gym membership, the Wii Fit, or some other form of exercise regimen join us as we are committed to TEN together!

"How do I commit to Ten?" Great question!

Well, just post in the comment section below this article that you will join and put your goal weight loss in pounds. For example, 2LT Mom 7 lbs. Then every Sunday night post your weight loss progress under this post.

Our goal is to lose 10 lbs each week for 8 weeks as a team ! For those who become team members ( and even those closet team members that follow us on the Down Low ) , we will have weekly challenges to keep you encouraged and motivated!

God Bless!
2LT mom


Anonymous said…
Kari L. Brown 10 lbs
Anonymous said…
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Baron Colbert said…
Count me in.
Baron Colbert said…
I'll go for 10 lbs
Shelia Dudley said…
Shelia's Tax service

Hey weight for me !
Shelia's Tax Service said…
I would love to lose some weight.
Hey weigh me in
wally bear said…
i'm too young
Shelia's Tax Service said…
Hi I'm 2ndLtMom Mom
You can never join to many weight loss clubs. Just weigh in.
What do you have to lose ?
Its my 3rd club in two weeks
If I dont commet I'll be committed
Tj Griffin said…
I dont need to lose weight
Amanda Lynn said…
Keirrah and I would like to join, is it too late? If not we'll both commit to 7lbs

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