Homeschoolers Field Trip!

Praise the Lord!
On Thursday, we took a field trip to the Children's Museum. It was fabulous! The kids had a great time to just let loose and explore (And Mom didn't have to worry about the clean up afterwards, LOL) . It's important to not forget about giving your homeschooler time to just be a kid.

Remember: All work and no play makes homeschoolers bored and irritable. Downtime can be just as valuable in the development of your curriculum as time in study. Learn to balance the two. Homeschooling is not just a school of thought, it's a way of life. At least that's my philosophy. In everything you do train your children for life, the dissappointments, the joys, the competitions, the failures, but most importantly teach them how God is the answer to every question they will ever have.

Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it"

2LT Mom


Darlene Gibbons said…
I love to see my grandchildren engaging in learning activities that promote health relationship with one another my daughter-law and son are doing a fantastic job in raising their children to be well room. Grandmom always says it "starts in the home" Go get them home schoolers!

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