
Showing posts from 2010

Prepping for the Lighthouse Christmas Play!

Praise the Lord All! The time of year is quickly approaching when we all begin to focus on the most important Birthday Party of all time! The Birth of Christ! This year, I have the pleasure of being the director for our church Christmas Play. It will be great! The scrips are copied and distributed, the set is being designed, and the kids are all extremely excited about it. The theme is the Christmas Story from the perspective of the animals in the stable on the night Christ was born. After rehearsals, I will give updates on progress and pictures! Our last rehearsal was "to die for" literally, I couldn't stop laughing. I don't know how we kept the rehearsal to 90 mins. That was a miracle in itself! Stay encouraged! Because he lives, I can face tomorrow and so can You! -Ciao, 2LT Mom

Her Hair, His Glory: Restoration

Praise the Lord! I just wanted to share my notes on restoration from church last week. Sis Griffin taught about the steps of spiritual and physical restoration: 1) Cleansing - Psalm 51:2 "Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin." 2) Strip away old layers, don't just paint over them. Over time that paint will just chip away. 3) Make the necessary repairs. Remove broken pieces and replace them with new pieces - Psalms 51:11 "Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me." 4) Sand to make smooth in order to remove all the inconsistencies- James 1:8 "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." 5) Apply a coat of wax to protect *What are some things in your life that need to be restored? When you allow God to restore your soul, people WILL take notice! Be encouraged today, that God wants to restore your broken and wounded soul to it's full potential! God Bless! Ciao! 2LT Mom

Her Hair, His Glory: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

Praise the Lord! Over the last few years, it has come to my attention that there is a lot more awareness and support for ladies transitioning and encouraging the curliness of their daughter's hair. When I first began my hair journey, I found very little to keep me encouraged. Now, I have found so many blogs and websites, I can't follow them All and they are all great! So I began to wonder, if I am so excited about hair and so many others are excited about hair, is this love something God given that over the years we have allowed society to suppress? I distinctly remember my days of relaxers where my goal in life was to spend as little time on my hair as possible, the ponytail was my staple hairstyle even in elementary school (with the exception of picture day, of course). It was "cool" to be fed up with your own hair and insist on only having it styled at a salon. A brief study of the Bible has already shown me that those feelings of being "fed up" are soci...

Her Hair, His Glory: The Little Ones

Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Praise the Lord! Here is my next introductory feature for Her Hair, His Glory! My little Ladies and their beautiful glory! I get a lot of my style ideas from two other blogs, and . Either I do some kind of variation or just get inspiration from them. My daughters, ages 3 and 5, are very excited about their curly hair. Which makes mom utterly thrilled. My goal is to instill this love in them now, so that they will not have the internal struggle that I had growing up. In general, I have no product of choice, which I hate by the way ! I am using what I have and evaluating the lasting effects on the styles i do for my girls. As a routine: 1) We generally wash hair every 7-10 days , sometimes more often depending on circumstances 2) Deep conditioning every two or three weeks, it's something fun we do tog...

Her Hair, His Glory: The Introduction

Praise the Lord ! I have been praying for a long time about how to incorporate my passion and revelation about my hair with this blog, so God , in only His infinite wisdom, gave me this idea. I will have a feature segment called "Her Hair, His Glory". This section with document my personal testimony along with things I have learned and what I am currently doing with my hair and my children's hair. For those who don't know my little story. I am a long time transitioner. I got my first relaxer as a teenager. However, I liked wearing my hair curly, so I fought for those next few years with rollersets to keep a curl in my hair... Never questioning that if I like it curly why am I straightening it? During my 1st year of college, straight hair maintenance was very expensive. So I didn't do it often at all. Maybe twice a year. I had tried to give myself relaxers, but I had a childhood friend whose hair literally fell out after doing one at home.... so that was not an opt...

Happy Father's Day!

This is a tribute to the BEST Husband and Father in the World! My husband has been such a loving, involved, and caring daddy anyone could eve r imagine. He does it all, from changing diapers to chasing dogs away, and he even bandages ouchies... (I always ask him.. aren't you a Doctor? LOL) For those of you who don't know, Yes, my husband is a doctor.... just not a medical doctor! But I always explain to our children that every office that daddy occupies is technically a "Doctor's office" LOL, I know they are too young to "get it" but I love the look on their faces when they tell people their daddy has a doctor's office! My husband is definitely the family prayer warrior. And for that I am so thankful. He is the symbol of stability and godliness in our home, which is exactly as it should be. He does home Bible studies, not only for strangers, but also for our children. And folks, that is worth More in it's weight than GOLD. Our desire as parents...

Mackinac Island!

Praise the Lord and Happy Memorial Day! We had the awesome opportunity to go to Mackinac Island with our entire family this year and it was a blast! Our church section rents a camp ground and we all enjoy food, fun, games,parades, horse carriage rides and ferry rides! We went to see the Memorial Day parade in Mackinac City and visited Fort Michilimackinac for a live re-enactment. Then we took a ferry across to the GREAT Mackinac Island and spent the entire day there eating fudge, riding the horse drawn carriages, visiting the historical landmarks and butterfly houses. It was just amazing! The weekend was so jam packed , but I feel like it went by way to quickly. On the camp ground every evening we would gather around the campfire for worship and preaching. It was just an amazing weekend, if we can help it... we won't ever miss it! Ciao, 2Lt MoM

Happy Birthday Lady Princess Tiana !

Praise the Lord All! My eldest daughter is becoming quite the little lady! This past week I had a small birthday lunch for her, just before Memorial Day weekend. She had her little friends over and while she wore her crown proudly, they all wore their hats :) It was so adorable! She is so excited to finally be 5 years old, which is like a rights of passage for a lot of activities: our church girl's club, summer tennis lessons and golf lesson, just to name a few. No matter how many years go by, I remind her that she will always be my baby ( even when she's a grown up, LOL ). Ciao, 2LT Mom

Happy Mother's Day!

Praise the Lord! This is a very very belated Happy Mother's Day, but better late than never :) This is my 3rd year in a row that I "slaved" over the stove for Mother's Day :) LOL. Hey, I figure, I wouldn't be a mom without my family, right ? I really do love serving and having company for dinners... and Mother's Day holiday is no exception. I had a great time serving my family and some friends. Most importantly, I had an awesome time just remembering how God blessed me with the privilege to be a mom. I love my job, and I pray everyday that I wouldn't take it for granted. There was a short time in my life when I thought I'd never get to be a mom. Thank You God for changing my life forever! I love you Babies! To my little ones: Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, and my Solid Rock :) Ciao, 2LT Mom

HolyGhost Homeschoolers Recognition Night

Praise the Lord! Last Monday , April 19 was the First Annual HolyGhost Homeschoolers Recognition Night! I was so excited! The HolyGhost Homeschoolers is the name our homeschool group in the church. We co-op different subjects together, we attend field trips together, and do Christmas parties and different activities as a collective group. We formed the group 2 years ago, but this was the first year we did a Recognition Night. The ceremony was beautiful and the kids had such a great time. This year, I was voted "President" of the group.As the president of our homeschool group, I had the honor of organizing the recognition night for the homeschoolers. Basically, each individual school ( in most cases the "mom" ) turned in the accomplishments for their students for the year. Awards received for the night included, Bible Quizzing Participation, Field Day, Math Excellence, Reading Achievement, and Spanish Level 1 Completion, among other awards. The special guest speaker ...

Happy Birthday Princess Tiana!

Praise the Lord, Meet my daughter L. Today we celebrated her 3rd Birthday. She had a blast! She is my little go getter. Sometimes she'll tell you that it's her way or the highway. And that's hard to cope with since she's the middle child :) Good thing for her, that my mother picks "favorites" and L. is Her "favorite" :) As far as L.'s Grandmother is concerned, she'll be the best official "protester" this side of the Mississippi. In her defense, she is an awesome Big Sister. She has taken upon herself to make sure that her baby brother is entertained every minute of his day. And that is good news for mom ! In Sunday school, she has really motivated her self to do as well as the older kids in her class. She's very faithful to learn he r memory verses and absolutely adores her Sunday School teachers. It really warms my heart to see my daughter love the House of God. Ps 122:1 I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the ho...

I'm Committed to 10!: Challenge #3

Water Water Every Where and only Drops to drink! Praise the Lord! This challenge is pretty self explanatory. You need to drink water, everyday, all day long to ensure you are not dehydrated. This is an exercise in hydrating your body. Research shows that by the time you notice you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. So, let's fill up those water bottles! And quench that THIRST. I'll be posting the results from last weeks weightloss challenge momentarily. Have a blessed day ! 2LT Mom