Her Hair, His Glory: Restoration
Praise the Lord!
I just wanted to share my notes on restoration from church last week.
Sis Griffin taught about the steps of spiritual and physical restoration:
1) Cleansing - Psalm 51:2 "Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin."
2) Strip away old layers, don't just paint over them. Over time that paint will just chip away.
3) Make the necessary repairs. Remove broken pieces and replace them with new pieces - Psalms 51:11 "Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me."
4) Sand to make smooth in order to remove all the inconsistencies- James 1:8 "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
5) Apply a coat of wax to protect
*What are some things in your life that need to be restored? When you allow God to restore your soul, people WILL take notice!
Be encouraged today, that God wants to restore your broken and wounded soul to it's full potential!
God Bless!
2LT Mom