Happy Birthday Princess Tiana!
Praise the Lord,
Meet my daughter L. Today we celebrated her 3rd Birthday. She had a blast! She is my little go getter. Sometimes she'll tell you that it's her way or the highway. And that's hard to cope with since she's the middle child :)
Good thing for her, that my mother picks "favorites" and L. is Her "favorite" :)
As far as L.'s Grandmother is concerned, she'll be the best official "protester" this side of the Mississippi.
In her defense, she is an awesome Big Sister. She has taken upon herself to make sure that her baby brother is entertained every minute of his day. And that is good news for mom !
In Sunday school, she has really motivated her self to do as well as the older kids in her class. She's very faithful to learn he
It really warms my heart to see my daughter love the House of God.
Ps 122:1 I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.
2LT Mom