
Showing posts from March, 2010

I'm Committed to 10!: Week 1 Results

Praise the Lord! Okay the results are in! I think that as a team, we did pretty well, considering all the trials, tribulations, and temptations of the week , LOL. Unfortunately , however, we did not reach our goal for the week. As a team we weighed in at 9.6 lbs... That's pretty good for a start. See below for the individual results: Okay, so now that week 1 is under our belts, let's make a big push for week 2! We can do it! Ciao, 2LT Mom

I'm Committed to 10 ! : Challenge #2

Praise the Lord! Well, we've come to the end of our first week's commitment, and to be honest it has been unbelievable! We've got some that are strong on the team, some that have made major progress but are skeptical about their overall long term performance, and others who are just dropping out like flies left and right! Who knew that this commitment would get the "best" of us? Anyhow, it's time for the next challenge... For those who choose to accept it: Challenge #2: Walk the extra mile by going out of your Way Okay, so this challenge is pretty simple. Just step up your everyday fitness routine. You are committing to biking/walking instead of driving short distances, or parking farther back in the parking lot when shopping, or taking the staircase instead of the elevator.... Whatever it is you can do to walk the "extra mile" , Just Do it! **And feel free to continue Challenge #1 if you feel like it helped. My husband and I saw great improvement. ...

I'm Committed to 10 ! : Challenge #1

Praise the Lord ! Okay, that day has finally come! This is the beginning of our first challenge for the "I'm committed to 10! Fitness Group" . First, I would like to welcome you all who have committed (and those of you closet committers) . You have made the first step in the right direction for your fitness goals. We are here to help each other stay accountable. Do IT FOR THE TEAM! So, read your first challenge if you choose to accept it...However, this post will not self destruct :) Challenge #1 : Give up your VICE for 1 week. Your vice is that eatable thing/habit or group of things/habits that you feel is the biggest hindrance to your fitness goals. No fad diets! This is a change in lifestyle, so we need to be honest and aware of some of our bad eating habits. For example , Your vice may be "skipping meals all day long , only to eat late into the evening , consuming more calories in a few hours than you should in two days! " Your solution would be to make e...

I am a One God Apostolic !

I'm a One-God Apostolic "I'm a one-God Apostolic , tongue-talking, holy-roller, born-again, Heaven-bound believer in the liberating power of Jesus' name. I've been washed in the blood, sanctified by the spirit, I believe in holiness and I suggest you do the same. I was set free at an Apostolic altar on my knees so you'll pardon me if I'm not ashamed to be a one-God Apostolic , tongue-talking, holy-roller, born-again, heaven-bound believer in the liberating power of Jesus' name." -So Somebody Shout! Just thought I'd share how I was feeling right now, Ciao! 2LT Mom

Homeschoolers Field Trip!

Praise the Lord! On Thursday, we took a field trip to the Children's Museum. It was fabulous! The kids had a great time to just let loose and explore (And Mom didn't have to worry about the clean up afterwards, LOL) . It's important to not forget about giving your homeschooler time to just be a kid. Remember: All work and no play makes homeschoolers bored and irritable. Downtime can be just as valuable in the development of your curriculum as time in study. Learn to balance the two. Homeschooling is not just a school of thought, it's a way of life. At least that's my philosophy. In everything you do train your children for life, the dissappointments, the joys, the competitions, the failures, but most importantly teach them how God is the answer to every question they will ever have. Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" Ciao! 2LT Mom

Singapore Math is the Greatest!

Praise the Lord! I just wanted to send a note of praise, recognition, and appreciation for the Singapore Math curriculum! I am so very impressed with this company. I am currently using the Singapore Math Early Bird books. I just can't say enough about how wonderful these books are! And the price you can't beat at $21! Inc. What I love about this curriculum is that it encourages the "Aha!" moment in the development of your child's schooling of thought. For those who are not familiar, the "Aha" moment comes when a child struggles for some time with a problem/concept and at some point at the end of the struggle they say " I get it MOM!" . These three words can be like music to a homeschoolers ears! I believe that there is a place for drills and the Lord knows that there is a place for repetition, which is by nature the mother of skill. However, there is also a place for understanding and depth. As a homeschooler, you have a u...

I'm committed to Ten! Are You?

Praise the Lord! I am so excited that the snow is slowly melting away. Now it's time for those winter pounds to melt away with it ! LOL ! At church we have really been talking about putting together a team so that we can encourage each other as we work towards our weightloss goals. So join the team! Whether you have a gym membership, the Wii Fit, or some other form of exercise regimen join us as we are committed to TEN together! "How do I commit to Ten?" Great question! Well, just post in the comment section below this article that you will join and put your goal weight loss in pounds. For example, 2LT Mom 7 lbs . Then every Sunday night post your weight loss progress under this post. Our goal is to lose 10 lbs each week for 8 weeks as a team ! For those who become team members ( and even those closet team members that follow us on the Down Low ) , we will have weekly challenges to keep you encouraged and motivated! God Bless! 2LT mom

Two strand twist Updo

Praise the Lord! This is one of my favorite styles. I wear this style to church and daily during the week. It's a quick style to do if you prep properly. By prep I mean, wash and detangle , and complete the two strand twists on wet hair. I will post more about my regimen later. Until then, enjoy the view ! 2LT mom

Happy Birthday Cookie Monster!

Meet the Cookie Monster! When I finally finished the cake for my son I felt like singing ... "God is good, He's good All the time! God's not good just once in a while, He's good ALL THE TIME!" This is a testimony on His goodness and mercy to me. It may not mean much to some, but to me this is Everything! Thank you Lord for giving my son the BEST 1st Birthday Party ever! How did God do it? Well, can you say Ancient Chinese secret? just kidding... The secret to happiness is.... Tip 16 LOL! Until our next adventure Ciao, 2LT Mom

Calling an APB on Tip 233 !

Praise the Lord! Okay, the emergency of the day.... I MUST FIND WILTON CAKE TIP 233 . My son's first birthday party is in T-68 hours and the cake tip I NEED to complete his Wilton Cookie Monster Birthday Cake is Missing In Action (MIA). See image of the right for the culprit's mugshot. So, truth be told, I should have ordered this small $1.69 cake tip months ago when I bought the cookie monster cake pan off ebay. But in a "perfect" world, who needs to buy a $1 cake tip weeks in advance? I was expecting to just waltz into my local super store and purchase this small piece of equipment days before the EVENT. Can you say "Big Mistake" ? Matthew 7:7 " Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" Okay , Lord, I have referenced your Word... I need a miracle. Stay tuned if you wanna know how God will work it all out! :) Ciao! 2lT mom

Introducing the Family!

Praise the Lord! Just thought I'd introduce my family one member at a time. So the family member of the day is the youngest member of the family, my one year old son, BW II. Of course I am partial, but he is the cutest boy this side of the Mississippi! And just for your information, he is a real church worshiper. He loves to clap his hands unto the Lord! Life has gotten pretty busy for me now that he is walking! LOL He loves to climb, jump, and pull down any thing off a shelf or from a drawer....I say all that to say that he is a VERY Busy Guy. We love him so much! And I am so glad God has been merciful to allow him to be the newest member of our family. His older siblings absolutely love him to pieces... Can you blame them? Ciao! 2Lt Mom

Bienvenidos a la 2nd Lieutenant Mom's Blog!

Praise the Lord! I am so excited to finally have this up and running! This is a general blog about me and my life. I love my country, styling naturally curly hair, Mathematics, Homeschooling, Twizzlers, my gorgeous husband, my beautiful children, and most importantly I LOVE the LORD! Checkout my blog periodically for the latest and greatest in my world as 2LT Mom! Ciao! 2LT Mom