Ten is not enough to share...
So it has come to my attention that the reason I spend so much time running back to the grocery store is because I failed to realize one basic concept....Ten is NOT enough to share. This "epiphany" , if you will, occurred to me yesterday. With the beginning of the school year quickly approaching, I diligently explained to my husband, the Dr. , that we needed to make a menu for the week to eliminate the almost daily trips to the grocery store. I mean, let's face it, life is only getting more expensive with the price of one gallon of milk exceeding the price of one gallon of gasoline. You have to cut costs where you can. So, my plan to combat the high cost of food was to PLAN our meals and snacks for each week.
And that's just what I did. I wrote what we would eat and drink each day, even down to the snacks in-between meals. What I failed to note, however, was that the quantity of each of these items needed to increase, since our children are rapidly growing, and they no longer eat like "children". So the battle of keeping the refrigerator stocked began. I purchased one box of oatmeal pies as a snack. Twelve pies come in one box for $1.50 on sale. So I thought, Great! That's plenty for an entire week of snack time. Monday went great! Everyone had a snack, even Mommy. Tuesday went even smoother, I had taught the kids to get their snack from the designated basket in the kitchen after quiet/nap time. Then Wednesday came...."Mom, can we have a snack?" 'Well of course! Just get a snack from the basket in the kitchen' .... a moment of silence, followed by the sound of rustling empty plastic grocery bags. And that's when it hit me, they weren't going to find a snack today, because I hadn't bought enough for one week for a family of 8.
So I sat down and tried to figure out where I went wrong in my thinking. So, now I know....Ten is not enough to share for the week...But thirty is! LOL So now I make sure I have a combination of snacks to equate to thirty so that my trip to the grocery store is now back down to no more than twice a week. I know it seems silly, but literally the reality of it all kind of hit me all of a sudden. My family is growing, not only in size numerically, but in age, and this busy mommy must keep up with the times!
2LT Mom