It's been a minute? And the whole world has changed....Literally
Welcome back! I think my last post was easily more than 7 years ago? And of course the entire world has changed, between living through a global pandemic, returning to graduate school, accepting a position as a Department Chair at a Tribal College, raising teenagers, my spouse works on the other side of the country....and most recently one of my children is battling bone cancer.
My, my, there is so much to talk about, where do I even begin? Thankfully for most, if you've followed me on other social media outlets, this won't be so much "news". But I think for me, the most important thing I wanted to accomplish with this blog was to share all the "humanities" of being me.
What I would like to do is use this space to honor those questions that are sometimes too
"random" to just post on social media, but as they happen...that's kind of how I will talk about them. I , of course, still hold the word of God very near and dear to my heart. So I would think that many people may want to hear those musings...or at least, find a dialogue that maybe they can use to filter those questions through.
Either way, I'll be sharing my voice. It's great to be back !