Twin Pregnancy and Delivery...the Good, the Bad, and everything in-between
So I promised to share with you my "Twin" story! So here it is. Last fall when my husband and I found out we were pregnant, we promised we would let everyone know if we were having another boy or another girl. Little did we realize that by Christmas time we would be telling everyone, "We're having both! One boy AND one girl! LOL So that was the beginning of this twin journey for us.
Our ultrasound was the day before my doctor's appointment. So naturally when I went into the office, I completely expected everyone to be elated! However, when the doctor came and we went through our usual "check-up" questions, I finally asked, "Did you know we are having twins?" And to her surprise, she didn't! So, after rushing around for some information from diagnostics from the day before, "Yes" we had the paperwork from the radiologist that confirmed "Twins". At my local hospital, in the case of twins, you are labeled, High risk. As a high risk patient, I was referred to a perinatologists about 100 miles away from my residence.
I was asked to see the perinatologist throughout my pregnancy. Naturally, I was NOT ok with this arrangement. First, I have four children at home, and finding a sitter for all of them is no easy feat! Secondly, my husband would have to take off work the entire day to ride with me to the appointment, and that was not always an easy option. So there I was in my first predicament...Do I go ? or do I stay?
So for the first appointment, we went. We found a sitter to watch the kids for the day, my husband took off work, and we drove 109 miles , one way, to see the Perinatologist. The drive was nice, my husband and I have very little alone time during the day , so it was a nice break from the monotony of life. The office was very cool. They had all of the latest technology to help diagnose pregnancy of multiples.
The Perinatologist was so sweet and very knowledgeable. It was a very pleasant visit. So, we decided that we would see her one more time just for our last ultrasound, at 33 weeks, so that she could confirm babies positions and other vitals.
At this time, 26 weeks, we knew for sure it was twins, one boy/one girl, and baby boy was breech ! This was the WORST news for me. I prayed day and night about what would have to happen for our family, my husband's job, my risk of having surgery during delivery....just everything you could possibly think of logistically for our family.
At 33 weeks we drove back to the Perionatologist , only to find that baby boy was STILL breech :( I felt defeated. So I started to "prepare" mentally and emotionally for having a cesarean during this delivery.
The week before my last doctor's appointment, I started feeling very sick and nauseous for an entire night. The babies were really active too. Which made me feel even worse. Little did I know, this was the answer to my prayer. Baby boy was spinning around :)
At 36 weeks, we went to our regular OB appointment and had an ultrasound that confirmed...YES! Both babies were head down :) This was great news! So we would definitely be able to have these babies naturally. We were so happy.
At 38 weeks, we went in for a non-stress test. Babies looked really good and I was having some contractions. So the OB team set a date the following Tuesday morning to induce me, if the twins had not come on their own before that time.
They were born on that Tuesday night just before 7pm :) Healthy girl and boy, both weighing 5 lbs 14 ozs exactly. Twins !
That's my story and I'm sticking to it :) God did answer my prayer.
2LT Mom
Our ultrasound was the day before my doctor's appointment. So naturally when I went into the office, I completely expected everyone to be elated! However, when the doctor came and we went through our usual "check-up" questions, I finally asked, "Did you know we are having twins?" And to her surprise, she didn't! So, after rushing around for some information from diagnostics from the day before, "Yes" we had the paperwork from the radiologist that confirmed "Twins". At my local hospital, in the case of twins, you are labeled, High risk. As a high risk patient, I was referred to a perinatologists about 100 miles away from my residence.
I was asked to see the perinatologist throughout my pregnancy. Naturally, I was NOT ok with this arrangement. First, I have four children at home, and finding a sitter for all of them is no easy feat! Secondly, my husband would have to take off work the entire day to ride with me to the appointment, and that was not always an easy option. So there I was in my first predicament...Do I go ? or do I stay?
So for the first appointment, we went. We found a sitter to watch the kids for the day, my husband took off work, and we drove 109 miles , one way, to see the Perinatologist. The drive was nice, my husband and I have very little alone time during the day , so it was a nice break from the monotony of life. The office was very cool. They had all of the latest technology to help diagnose pregnancy of multiples.
The Perinatologist was so sweet and very knowledgeable. It was a very pleasant visit. So, we decided that we would see her one more time just for our last ultrasound, at 33 weeks, so that she could confirm babies positions and other vitals.
At this time, 26 weeks, we knew for sure it was twins, one boy/one girl, and baby boy was breech ! This was the WORST news for me. I prayed day and night about what would have to happen for our family, my husband's job, my risk of having surgery during delivery....just everything you could possibly think of logistically for our family.
At 33 weeks we drove back to the Perionatologist , only to find that baby boy was STILL breech :( I felt defeated. So I started to "prepare" mentally and emotionally for having a cesarean during this delivery.
The week before my last doctor's appointment, I started feeling very sick and nauseous for an entire night. The babies were really active too. Which made me feel even worse. Little did I know, this was the answer to my prayer. Baby boy was spinning around :)
At 36 weeks, we went to our regular OB appointment and had an ultrasound that confirmed...YES! Both babies were head down :) This was great news! So we would definitely be able to have these babies naturally. We were so happy.

They were born on that Tuesday night just before 7pm :) Healthy girl and boy, both weighing 5 lbs 14 ozs exactly. Twins !
That's my story and I'm sticking to it :) God did answer my prayer.
2LT Mom