Sales ! Deals! Resolutions! Oh My!
Happy New Year! This year, I am committing to saving money, paying off debts, having a better prayer life, being my faithful to blogging :) LOL Just a little bit of everything, but nothing so ambitious that I set myself up to fail. I feel like I am moving into another season in my life where my expectations of where I want to be are not only reasonable, but totally attainable. My children are getting older....which means so am I. But that also means that my priorities and concerns are shifting too. My husband and I are both doing the YOU Bible reading program. The program we selected was the Bible in 90 days. I love it! I started mine on my Kindle Fire and he started his on his tablet because they have and YOU BIBLE App. However, you can follow the program online too. It is so simple and enjoyable to do. I usually listen to the audio version during quiet time at my house, which is only for about 30 min. - 1 hour , but it's enough to finish my focused reading without interrupt...