Her Hair, His Glory: How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
Praise the Lord! Over the last few years, it has come to my attention that there is a lot more awareness and support for ladies transitioning and encouraging the curliness of their daughter's hair. When I first began my hair journey, I found very little to keep me encouraged. Now, I have found so many blogs and websites, I can't follow them All and they are all great! So I began to wonder, if I am so excited about hair and so many others are excited about hair, is this love something God given that over the years we have allowed society to suppress? I distinctly remember my days of relaxers where my goal in life was to spend as little time on my hair as possible, the ponytail was my staple hairstyle even in elementary school (with the exception of picture day, of course). It was "cool" to be fed up with your own hair and insist on only having it styled at a salon. A brief study of the Bible has already shown me that those feelings of being "fed up" are soci...